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QDC MP 4.5 / NCC 2022 requirements for bathrooms and internal wet areas

Updated: Nov 20

The state government has advised that updates to the Queensland Development Code will support the implementation of the NCC 2022 and Modern Homes standards.

To streamline building approvals, add plan details and highlight if design is to Housing Provisions Part 10.2 (NCC 2022) or AS 3740 (2021)

 Provide a bathroom layout showing

  • shower type (unenclosed showers may require an additional floor waste).

  • floor waste: location and fall

  • Waterproofing and tiling extent

  • Include shower rose, toilet pan dimensions and product specifications, where available (eg  for detachable shower hose)

Infographic QDC MP 4.5 wet areas

Q: When designing a bathroom, where can I check what's required?

A: Review QDC MP 4.5 requirements alongside NCC 2022 legislation and Livable Housing Design Standard (LHDS). Detail plans accordingly to clearly identify compliance with the code.

Q: Where a floor waste is installed (outside a shower, WC or laundry), are there alternatives to having to provide fall to the floor waste?

A: Yes, refer to QDC MP 4.5 AO5.

QDC MP 4.5 diagram for waterproofing

Learn more

infographic grading to floor waste

Fielding client questions?

Design professionals and builders, download the checklist - Master Builders Guide for Livable Housing Documentation.

For internal wet areas, each part of the design must comply. For example, Part 5 on page 19 of the QDC MP 4.5 relates to performance criteria so is similar to a deemed to satisfy (DTS). Then A5 outlines acceptable solution conditions (ie how this might be done).

BA&A infographic legislative layers
Applying layers of legislation - check Queensland requirements / exemptions alongside NCC 2022.

Windows in shower areas

  • Housing provisions Part 10.2, has the requirement that “walls of the shower area must be waterproof not less that 1800 mm above the floor substrate”

  • As a result, when designing bathrooms to the housing provisions, windows in a shower area are required to be 1800mm above tiled level and outside of the waterproof area (as they are not defined as waterproof).

Alternatively a performance solution may be sought.

Learn more

Get in touch with our residential specialist certifiers via or phone on 07 3265 4114 if we can clarify further.


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