Build over Asset (BOA) eg water/ sewer
Build over Stormwater (BoSW)
When your project includes building works (or a pool) on (or near) a sewer/water/ stormwater pipe, avoid delays by collaborating closely with your engineer.
An engineer's input ensures identification of the correct requirements for sewers/ stormwater assets unique to each project. Detail plans accordingly- example of Urban Utilities design and infrastructure requirements below.
Allow for a turnaround of at least 25 working days for applications through the relevant service provider.
According to the legislation - QDC MP 1.4, relevant infrastructure means
“a sewer operated by or for a sewerage service provider
a water main operated by or for a water service provider;
a stormwater drain operated by or for a local government;
a combined sanitary drain.
Note— Relevant infrastructure ceases at the connection point.”
Save time (and keep certification simple!)
Add detail to plans - pipe/ sewer connections and the distance/ location from work, pipe diameters
Keep the legislation link on your desktop- so you know what's required and when MP1.4 applies.
Ensure your pool / building work documentation is in order.
Let BA&A know in initial communication if you require a BOA/ BOS/ BOSW facilitation fee included in your fee proposal.
If outside the scope of QDC MP 1.4, check with the asset provider to guide next steps. For example, if BCC owns the asset, consult the application checklist online for clarifications around pipe sizes/ requirements.
The build over infrastructure process - building approvals
Your engineer works from the surveyor’s information, looking at
drill down report information
pipe details
location of assets on site
Title search details and/ or CCTV footage of the asset(s) in question may also be required. Then the engineer signs off regarding QDC MP 1.4, if compliant.
The certifier can facilitate further assessment and lodgement once the engineer’s Form 15 is received.
Each project is unique so times may vary.... allow a minimum of twenty five working days for the asset owner/ council to assess the plans.
Clear zone requirements according to QDC MP 1.4.
Get information early - save time down the line
Water meters: if within 3m of proposed work, ensure location and distances are detailed on the plans. An application through the asset owner may be required to assess the clearances / engineering design.
For a self assessable pipe, footings must be a minimum of 1.2m from line center and 300mm from the invert level of the pipe. See also QDC MP 4.1.
For a self assessable pipe within 3m of building work, relevant infrastructure complies with acceptable solution MP.1.4 A1 (1)b if
sewer pipe diameter is no more than 225mm and not a pressure pipeline.
stormwater pipe diameter is not more than 375mm and is not a pressure pipeline.
For pool builds, the measurement is taken from the back of the coping.
Definitions of lightweight structures (class 10)
Qld State Government clarified requirements in Building and Plumbing Newsflash 604 released in June 2022.
The QDCMP1.4 defines a building or structure to be a light-weight class 10 if:
(a) it is a class 10 building or structure, and
(b) all of the walls, columns and roofs of the building or structure are constructed from materials other than concrete and masonry.
Typical light-weight class 10s have the appearance of a building or structure that is ancillary to the main building. Eg steel-framed shed, carport or garage with a slab, timber patio, deck or gazebo, fiberglass or polyethylene rainwater tank.
Fact finding
Before You Dig - new interactive feature lets you view plans and asset information from all utilities directly in your browser.
For Brisbane City Council (BCC) or Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) projects with a B.O.A, search for pipe details.
Urban Utilities - map here
Unity Water – search tool here.
Mapping for BCC stormwater pipes here
Mapping for MBRC stormwater, water, sewer infrastructure - here
Take the info with you ...
Learn More
Legislation links and a summary of where QDC MP 1.4 applies - see this Queensland Government website
Download Urban Utilities BOA referral guidelines for plan detail requirements.